Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Side By Side Comparison of This Month and Last

Today is Tuesday and that means ....


I missed last weeks class due to having all day appointments and meetings for Evan and then my week just continued on with out much activity or exercise !

Well, not this week! I am ready to kick it in to high gear and get get rid of this weight I am carrying around. 

Today, before heading off to work for some training, I also snapped a full frame photo .

I believe that the last picture I took was about a month and 15- 20 pounds ago.. The pictures themselves are still not showing significant changes, but I can honestly FEEL them.. 

I don't really feel smaller, as much as I just feel BETTER.. and that's really the goal here! 

Pardon all the photos :) I really want to  be able to look back through all of my moments and enjoy how far I have come. 

its interesting, because as far back as I can remember , I have described myself as "always being a bigger girl"..


Lets consider this. Right now I AM a bigger girl. I am a bigger girl because I made choices not to eat the right foods, I made choices to drink soda, and smoke cigarettes, and not exercise. 
it isn't a very pretty picture that I am painting of myself but I do this for a reason. 
Right now, I can say I AM A BIGGER girl.. and it is completely justified. 

I also, can say that I AM with out a doubt, finally recognizing this and putting in the time and effort that I deserve to be a happier, healthier me..

On the other side of this , however, was an 18 year old me. 145 lbs.. probably wearing a size 10 or 12 in jeans. And Tina at 18 years old, felt the need to point out that " I had always been a bigger girl" . 

I think back on this and wonder why my perception of myself was so off that I would have considered myself a bigger girl at 145 lbs. 

I suppose if anything, the 31 year old me has a much better , and healthier body perception. 

145 lbs is not "BIG"

and most importantly, as my weight is shedding I have come to realize that it is not as much about the number as it is about how one feels on the inside. 


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