Sunday, February 9, 2014

Encouragement and an Exercise bike!

I have tried loosing weight many times in my past, and I was very unsuccessful. I think half the battle is that I didn't know how success felt.. I was known to "give up" easily and until I quit smoking I didn't know how wonderful setting a goal and sticking to it could feel!!

Another thing playing in my favor is the amount of encouragement I have received. This time around I started this venture with a really close friend of mine who is having similar struggles, and I also am a part of a facebook group of local ladies that encourage each other and weigh in every week. The first week in the group I lost less then a pound.. I felt like I needed to show every one that I COULD do this, and that's exactly what I have done! I am very thankful for the support I have, and that includes every one posting on my facebook wall and reading my blog. you guys rock!

Last week , as most of you know, I started Bokwa! This was my initiation in to the fitness world. Theresa was wonderful and I am excited to go back on Tuesday with a great group of ladies and try it again. In the mean time, I realized that I also really need some accessible things at home so I can get exercise in most days of the week .. NO EXCUSES.. so, we purchased an upright bike and have an elliptical in the works :)

I have a long way to go, but for the first time in a long time, I know I am going to get there! 

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