Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Brownie Temptations and Latte Love

This healthy life style change is getting easier by the day! Today I made brownies, and didn't eat any. It wasn't even much a challenge, per say.. and those of you who know me are well aware of my addiction to sweets :) 
I have also found that it is a lot easier to stop eating when I feel full. In the past I have gone on a strict calorie diet and split my calories up for the day. I would make sure that I was getting the most calories I could for each meal or snack and I would eat every last bite of it... and then, more often then not I would sit around thinking about how hungry I was until my next meal. This time around is a lot more relaxed.. I am not counting every little calorie but I can tell you that I am not coming close to consuming the amounts I was in the past.

I am just 
1. eating less 
2. eating off smaller plates 
3. taking my time to eat so I can feel when I am satisfied 
4. not eating every last thing on my plate 
5. eating a more balanced diet 
6. Saying no to the white carbs! ( for the most part) 7. drinking more water 
8. ( one of the biggest impacts) I stopped drinking soda.. and when I say soda, I mean that up until the beginning of 2014 I was drinking a few bottles of Mt. Dew a day.. pretty much, I was {drinking} over 1000 calories a day in just soda. Yikes!
9. allowing myself a couple of my old faves..

and that brings me to this... 

A small mocha iced latte .. about 200 calories of true love. 

I said no to the brownie.. but today is Wednesday and since Wednesday is dance night for my oldest daughter , that means I get a treat from DD .  I had one last week and still managed about a 5 lb weight loss , so the lattes stay. ;)

Enjoy your evening , every one!

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